(DVS) Progressive Safe System 2024
Transport for London (TfL) have presented changes to the Direct Vision Standard (DVS) that come into effect in October 2024. From October, operators with vehicles weighing over 12 tonnes need to have a new DVS HGV Safety Permit to be able to operate within London. TfL will start to accept applications for the new permits from June 2024. All HGVs need to apply for a permit to avoid facing fines. Depending on the DVS star rating of the vehicle will dictate if additional safety equipment is required to be installed.
Vehicles with a star rating below three will require the installation of additional safety equipment. Existing safety equipment from the original DVS will not meet the new criteria or the Progressive Safe System (PSS) set out by TfL. Existing DVS permits will remain valid until their expiry date. Applying for a licence is free of charge. Using the TfL website, a vehicle can be checked for its star rating: https://tfl.gov.uk/modes/driving/dvs-safety-permit-application/
DVS measures how much a HGV driver can see directly through their cab windows. The visibility from the driver’s position indicates the level of risk to vulnerable road users. The system that we have developed to reduce risk and to be compliant with the new DVS Progressive Safe System has evolved with the new forms of AI powered technology now available. Our AI Pedestrian Detection Cameras are the foundation of the solution that we have developed. The AI cameras are positioned on the front and the side of the vehicle and are configured to detect within the required
parameters of PPS.
Our solution
The system actively informs the driver of the presence of VRUs in close proximity to the vehicle and actively draws their attention to it.
The AI camera on the side of the vehicle (left hand side for right hand drive vehicles, right hand side for left hand drive vehicles) is also used for the Camera Monitoring System where the camera installation positioning allows the elimination of the blind spot. The in-cab monitor is designed to allow positioning close to the window edge, where a multitude of different brackets for optimal monitor location can be used for different vehicle types.
Visual warnings are displayed on the screen, with a coloured frame overlay which highlights the detected Vulnerable Road User (VRU). When a VRU is detected in a close proximity to the vehicle and where there is a possibility of an imminent collision, an audible warning alert will sound from the monitor. In conjunction with the audible warning, a red box frames the detected VRU, accompanied by a warning triangle with an animated figure in the top centre of the screen.

Have any questions? Call 020 8863 8333 (Option 1), our team will be happy to help.