Bus Cash Box Case Study

Warrington’s Own Buses can trace its routes back to 1902, when the first electric tram commenced operation in Warrington. Over 120 years later, they are still going strong, providing quality local bus services that the town of Warrington rightly deserves. They carry over 6 million passengers per year, using a fleet of 118 buses that operate approximately 5 million kilometres in service per annum. Warrington is currently one of the fastest growing economies in the North West and high-quality public transport is essential to the town’s continued development.
In 2024, Warrington’s Own Buses invested over £44 million in 105 new, state of the art fully electric Volvo buses. This significant investment in green, renewable energy transportation makes the company one of the most energy efficient public transport companies in the UK. These technological advancements not only apply to the vehicle, but also the facilities on board – including contactless payments. However, the capabilities of these buses fell short, with no means of safely and efficiently storing cash, a payment method which is still largely used by the general public.
A quick call to CKO quickly remedied the issue. Within 24 hours, the CKO team was on site to understand the challenges, take measurements, and present a solution that was quick to deploy, robust and cost-effective. Our Cash Box F not only solved the security issue, but also fitted securely onto the OEM bracket provided by Volvo Bus and Coach. Exemplifying one of the key benefits of this cash box design, the two mild steel fixing points which are built to fit most standard brackets for an easy installation. With sufficient UK stock levels, CKO were able to deploy the cash boxes to the customer in record time. CKO can provide a range of safety devices help prevent collisions by assisting the driver whilst protecting workers, pedestrians and cyclists. Please contact our specialist team to find out what products are best suited to your fleet.
Our Cash Box F offers the following benefits:
- 4 secure compartments
- High impact ABS
- Mild steel support
- Light weight yet very strong design
- 2 mild steel fixing points
- Fits most standard hooks
- Can be utilised with our mounting plate
Have a project in mind? Call 020 8863 8333
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